Wednesday, April 30, 2008

lets see wad events dis week.......
tuesday........get the maths paper back.... get 27/50 onli!!OMG!!!but is expected larh bcos i 1 week mc then when come back then the test liao WTF!!!

No CCM so cannot bully cher...... yeah kebab!!!!During english lessons i go disturb him then going 2 end the time then he shout out:OI ShaoHong!!!!!!U r really getting on my nerves!!!...Then esmond say :he has nerves???i tot he didnt have any??

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hm.......2day very interesting...........very very interesting.........

VL lessons.........bloody Brandon, ZX n jun long i think......wan 2 sabo me n simin or wad crap........but they missed their's great!!!! Then brandon was so damn noisy during chinese lessons say about his regrets of never sabo me.....

Chinese lessons......Wesley dunno draw wad oso......take 1 piece of paper then draw soon meng's face.....draw until very funny oso......Then i tok kebabe until very bad lyk tt dunno wad he go 2 the beach wear bikini and a wig(long hair wan)Then he catwalk there......then say wad the girls there see liao noe is boi so never say anythin then the bois see kebabe lyk tt is chio bu then go hotel 81 n the rest is tt when they wanted 2 have ***ual intercourse the time then the bois at the beach b4 realised tt kebabe was a boi............

so then i keep calling him bikini boi......

until history lesson then he started 2 get pissed off......then art lesson right he was lyk trying 2 hit me bad right???B4 he can even hit me i go stab him wif my i wished tt there was a knife @ the tip........ sian............dun wan 2 study.........again.........nice lorh i haf been on 4 this anti-revision thing since the start of pri 5 term 4.........but nothing bad really happened larh..........

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Something else tt i realised..

there is something tt i realised 2day.......a genius's IQ is 150 and above while my IQ is 154....OMG!!!!Maybe tt is y I can do so well in exams without studying........(sometimes i think)

This made me thinking who the heck am i?? So i decided 2 try and find out the secrets of my life.....kinda sounds ridiculous right???But its my choice.......

Qn to keep u all thinking: y is our body temperature 36-37.5 degrees celcius??.....think of this qn in another is my clue to you.......its quite important actually...... in terms of personality.....Think about it.......when u found the ans may tell me....if correct i will say....if wrong i will still say my ans

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wah i spamming m blog wif my playlists since i have absolutely nothing better 2 do

Ok lets tok about Yesterday,
Got English paper......sure fail summary writing wan....supposed 2 write less or = to onli 130 words but i write 139 words......damn it......

Then the chinese compo........write ''si han'' 30 mins finish liao.....compo less than 1 hour oso finish liao....then left 30 mins+ dunno do wad oso.....wan 2 sleep cannot sleep..... bcos of Mr liu

Sad sia......I hate exams!!!No one slacking....all so yong gong and so serious about things....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

2day har......let's see....... oh yeah EXAM........
i took about 45 mins to write finsh letter writing..... then i slept 4 lyk 15 mins then do the other one.....But then hor dunno how i write oso can write until 6 pages in 45 mins......

Then recess dunno wad i do 2 occupy my time oso......sleep??maybe but Natasha n syahira so noisy so cannot sleep....

Then chinese paper the first compre passage was so funny....Tok about the thief raid the house....Then the thief was so damn stupid lorh.....go inside liao say wad see the house so dirty then nvr go steal the things,say he go clean up the house instead then write a note 2 the owner say call that idiot clean up the house and sign as ''xiao tou''I felt lyk laughing out loudly lorhs so funny then the next part oso very funny the owner reply say u r welcome anytime....HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!lolz XD

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2dae is quite eventful..........i guess......

First lesson is english.....which is lyk so boring lor....almost sleep in class then after tt then they go cajiao SiMin n it looks quite fun so i join in n cajiao oso lor......then Simin was lyk getting quite pissed off lyk tt so see liao muz cajiao more mah...then suay teacher come back.........wad a party-pooper!!!!..............stupid larh

then PE was the worst lesson 2dae..........bcos of the rain then cannot go PE...then the upper sec having NAPFA test.......Then teacher say next week our NAPFA test then i was lyk wad the hell??So fast??

Then recess nothing 2 do so go kajiao kebabe....By writing a stupid note that looks lyk a robot's was lyk so hard to write fast.......Then write dunno wad your shit,your ''xiao di di'',and your fiancee........after i finish i was laughing lyk shit lyk tt seh...........I cannot control my laughter.......

Then next is music.....muz play dunno wad bloody tune.........then i so suay the music n song writer..........then i after accident 4get the music lor so i tot going 2 fail music.......then unexpectedly under the OUTSTANDING GROUPS!!!! I was so shocked.........4 a minute i 4get the music then in the end get into outstanding groups???WTF

Next is largi sian maths......Ms tiong lyk 2 beat about the bush n then jacky keep asking irritating.......muz think of something 2 shut jacky's mouth up....

Chinese lesson nothing much 2 say so skip...

Literature the bloody test.....whateva ms lim go through wif us came out 4 the test then i didnt copy a single thing.......I bet i am going 2 fail..........

CCM!!!the best part of the day......go make thes string of the visualiser then teacher cannot take down bcos she is an ''ai dong gua''Then put up there liao then Brandon so damn extra go n take it down.........bloody hell si brandon........then in the end i go put it back up lor the Esmond go tie the string.......Then in the end when teacher wan 2 start the time then the bell ring so take sweet go home

PS:i oso draw a lot of middle finger on the board but cher dunno wad is tt so dun tell her

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wah!!!!ok this sounds kinda freaky but i juz realised tt after the accident i started to lyk things that people usually dun lyk like getting spammed and whatever crap(excluding pornography of course,i hate it)

Then hor after the accident my science grades supposed 2 b suckish wan but suddenly go up.Then chinese i a lot of ''hao ci hao ju'' 4get le.OMG i think i sound kinda serious.Its like damn freaky lor.....

I at first dun like ci ji gan wan but now i lyk it so much until lyk i addicted 2 it or wad sia.....damn freaky.........

Saturday, April 19, 2008


2day lyk nothing 2 post leh.......can onli say 2day very very boring.....

Friday, April 18, 2008


Hmm....let mii recall anything fun.....oh yeah yesterday i go scare Sarah Ho.....wah damn fun seh.....i saw this dead cockroach on the ground which i had killed during chinese drama lessons...then i told sarah 2 look left them she looked lyk she saw a ghost or wad lyk tt.....i wanted 2 pick up the cockroach n put on her table wan but then kebabe was sitting bhind her onli so if i had put the cockroach on the table he will go crazy n will lyk protect her or wad so then lyk tt not fun le in the end i did nothing 2 the cockroach........(not fun larh)Hiyah so sian 2dae......dun wan 2 study of liao even more sian until i wan 2 com game play until sian until good le so of course not fun...

hiyah muz think of something fun.....homework definately not oso cannot go LAN.... wah bloody hell!!!!!I am going 2 die of boredom at this rate......nothing fun at all......damn it why muz there b exams n homework n so many other crap which is quite pointless anyways????? Anyone noe something fun????can tell mii????

Thursday, April 17, 2008

2dae lyk shit lyk tt

Wah kao bei!!!!2dae lyk shit lyk tt lor................
lesson so boring seh!!!!!And then the stupid jacky larh so fucking irritating.........I feel lyk killing him!!!!

So damn tired 2dae @ sch....Almost sleep in class......yesterday 12am+
then com untiil siao then until 11pm then realised never study 4 maths test so i hack care lorh,so late liao still revise,i dun even want to in fact.

Chinese drama oso supposed 2 be fun wan but 2dae not ''ci ji''.Then recess time nothing 2 do then suddenly natasha came up 2 me n tell me tt she submit my name 4 some music quiz.....Then suddenly i thought of something very fun....bcos got a lot of quiz paper so whatever natasha put on my answer sheet then i copy onto the rest then anyhow write people's names.....they noe liao sure very,very fun wan.....

Next time muz find somthing even more ''ci ji'' 2 play with.hiyah dunno wat else le so tt is all folks!!!!Oh yeah i almost got yellow slip the other day n i got extra detention.Crap!!!this sucks

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If u have no Tv show 2 watch n 2dae's ''isssue''

Hey guys if u have no tv shows 2 watch i would recommend...Shaman King
I will post the first episode of Shaman King on my blog n u can see how is it........

2daes's ''issue''
  • Very suck.....Everybody is starting 2 get very irritating
  • CCM not fun at all
  • Chinese class ultra-perverse(someone write compo about molestation n oso say until very sick
  • One of the canteen vendor very good.Give me discount when i buy $1.20 noodles wif 2 nuggets(chicken) 4 $1
  • Meredith confessed tt she lyk me during Maths Olympiad lessons.(Wah fucking jibai)
  • Got a very suckish score 4 science test(so not going 2 say)
  • PE cannot do anything
  • Maths lesson so boring until i wan 2 sleep

That is why I say that 2day is stupid and full of crap..Sometimes i dun even wan 2 come school but now i no MC(wah fuck it)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

If u still dunno who i am...

Ok if u still dunno who the fucking hell i am!!!!!
Then now i am telling u!!!!!!!!

Name:Tee Shao Hong(Private SH Tee/shit)

School:Ngee Ann Secondary...
Ex east-springian(wat a stupid name in my opinion)


Class(previous):1G,2G,3G ,4C, 5B,6B

Favourites and hates all listed at the side......

Birth Date:4/8/1995(=.=)

Favourite words:Crap,stupid,shit etc.(things that describe dumbness)

What r the things on my death will:A new computer tt i can say its mine , A new handphone , Stop getting banged down by motorcycles,cars etc.,the girls stop being so irritating.. ,NO HOMEWORK!!!(although i noe tt wont happen), Swords/spears/lances whatever to shut the fuck up of my enemies.... , FREEDOM!!!!! , fail my exams for once...(but cannot larh) , NO DETENTIONS , more ncc trainings

My death will seems very long ,I NOE,this is actually part of my will only....ARGH 4get it!!!!!


Crappy things

This is the crapiest thing i have eva heard.......(sounds stupid actually)
I went to Jun Long's blog and i spotted some stupid iq test thingy....
Since i nothing 2 do so i try lorh.....
So the crapy thing was tt the test was quite easy larh i would say.....
Then the results came and then they put there tt my iq was 154!!!!(Wonder whether true or not....)
This is stupid anyways.......Argh 4get it!!!Stupid thing!!!

Hm.......wat else???
Oh yeah i was introduced 2 this game called box_head_2_play(extremely bloody shooting game) by my friend....Great since i was looking for a game anyways.......I started with beginner of course then i started getting sian so i set 2 the nightmare level(highest)....Then things started 2 get a little crazy!!!!!The Zombies started surrounding me so the game was starting 2 get extremely fun!!!!Bloody hell!!!!the weapons damn bloody pro sia!!!!So i wan to introduce the game box head 2 you all.......go to then on the front page got the game liao.....

The ridiculous idiot Signing off

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*