Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2dae is quite eventful..........i guess......

First lesson is english.....which is lyk so boring lor....almost sleep in class then after tt then they go cajiao SiMin n it looks quite fun so i join in n cajiao oso lor......then Simin was lyk getting quite pissed off lyk tt so see liao muz cajiao more mah...then suay teacher come back.........wad a party-pooper!!!!..............stupid larh

then PE was the worst lesson 2dae..........bcos of the rain then cannot go PE...then the upper sec having NAPFA test.......Then teacher say next week our NAPFA test then i was lyk wad the hell??So fast??

Then recess nothing 2 do so go kajiao kebabe....By writing a stupid note that looks lyk a robot's handwriting.....it was lyk so hard to write fast.......Then write dunno wad your shit,your ''xiao di di'',and your fiancee........after i finish i was laughing lyk shit lyk tt seh...........I cannot control my laughter.......

Then next is music.....muz play dunno wad bloody tune.........then i so suay the music n song writer..........then i after accident 4get the music lor so i tot going 2 fail music.......then unexpectedly under the OUTSTANDING GROUPS!!!! I was so shocked.........4 a minute i 4get the music then in the end get into outstanding groups???WTF

Next is largi sian maths......Ms tiong lyk 2 beat about the bush n then jacky keep asking question.......so irritating.......muz think of something 2 shut jacky's mouth up....

Chinese lesson nothing much 2 say so skip...

Literature next...got the bloody test.....whateva ms lim go through wif us came out 4 the test then i didnt copy a single thing.......I bet i am going 2 fail..........

CCM!!!the best part of the day......go make thes string of the visualiser then teacher cannot take down bcos she is an ''ai dong gua''Then put up there liao then Brandon so damn extra go n take it down.........bloody hell si brandon........then in the end i go put it back up lor the Esmond go tie the string.......Then in the end when teacher wan 2 start the time then the bell ring so take sweet go home

PS:i oso draw a lot of middle finger on the board but cher dunno wad is tt so dun tell her

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*