Thursday, April 24, 2008

2day har......let's see....... oh yeah EXAM........
i took about 45 mins to write finsh letter writing..... then i slept 4 lyk 15 mins then do the other one.....But then hor dunno how i write oso can write until 6 pages in 45 mins......

Then recess dunno wad i do 2 occupy my time oso......sleep??maybe but Natasha n syahira so noisy so cannot sleep....

Then chinese paper the first compre passage was so funny....Tok about the thief raid the house....Then the thief was so damn stupid lorh.....go inside liao say wad see the house so dirty then nvr go steal the things,say he go clean up the house instead then write a note 2 the owner say call that idiot clean up the house and sign as ''xiao tou''I felt lyk laughing out loudly lorhs so funny then the next part oso very funny the owner reply say u r welcome anytime....HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!lolz XD

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

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