Thursday, April 17, 2008

2dae lyk shit lyk tt

Wah kao bei!!!!2dae lyk shit lyk tt lor................
lesson so boring seh!!!!!And then the stupid jacky larh so fucking irritating.........I feel lyk killing him!!!!

So damn tired 2dae @ sch....Almost sleep in class......yesterday 12am+
then com untiil siao then until 11pm then realised never study 4 maths test so i hack care lorh,so late liao still revise,i dun even want to in fact.

Chinese drama oso supposed 2 be fun wan but 2dae not ''ci ji''.Then recess time nothing 2 do then suddenly natasha came up 2 me n tell me tt she submit my name 4 some music quiz.....Then suddenly i thought of something very fun....bcos got a lot of quiz paper so whatever natasha put on my answer sheet then i copy onto the rest then anyhow write people's names.....they noe liao sure very,very fun wan.....

Next time muz find somthing even more ''ci ji'' 2 play with.hiyah dunno wat else le so tt is all folks!!!!Oh yeah i almost got yellow slip the other day n i got extra detention.Crap!!!this sucks

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*