Sunday, June 29, 2008

wah i realised that a lot of ppl in our class playing seordcast sia.....die liao.....die liao.....esmond sure teach them wan so i this time sure die wan lorh............hell hell hell......muz think of a way to divert this "bad thing" that is gonna befall on me in seordcast......urgh...what can i do?? reading strategy guide oso not enough......then dunno how some units work.....wah die liao die liao........

Thursday, June 26, 2008

YES!!!! finally i figured out the links thing so i link everything liao.....

anyways i going to tok about the past....

monday: first day meet Mdm Riza.....wah she say going to work closely with Science Rep and ICT rep then i noe i going to die liao.....first day nvr do much.....then Mr liu show us this funny game.....its like a mixture of seordcast + lovecalculator + battleOn......y like seordcast bcos of the fighting part they say what whack the other bastard tt kind larh....Lovecalculator is bcos muz type 2 ppl battle on bcos enter name liao then will randomly show their stats....zzz the first name Mr liu put is esmond and my name....lao eh i kana pwned like siao like that sia.....HP so high but then useless wan....

Tuesday: Ms tiong bring us go com lab.....go there i log into MSN....zzz kia ling keep spamming me when ms tiong juz behind me....lucky she nvr notice....i oso play seordcast there....Jun long i think is the suay kia....kana caught by teacher for using MSN....

after tt....english....nothing to wah.......MDM Riza like putting me under pressure like that seh........ARH I DUN CARE ANYONE CAN CHANGE WITH ME GO BE SCIENCE REP?????!!!!!

Wednesday : nothing to tok about.....except for the blanja ppl part....hiyah hai bu shi bei __ ____ hai de......QH,ZX and JL shud noe hu....

today: nothing to tok about oso....


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

lol i am working on the links......hard to get these things very hard to get it right wan larh...hiyah...

ok.......this time seordcast might be able to stay in the top long as no other pros come join in lusion.....someone.....i wun say hu spam my seordcast the inbox with her messages......but since its a her then i guess u noe who the heck is she maybe i this time gonna die......esmond say he gonna teach JL and the girl hu spammed my seordcast inbox how to play seordcast....this time sure die wan......looks like i seriously have to keep them where they are.....

arh anyways i go see where i can spam le bye bye

Friday, June 13, 2008

dunnno wad to post oso so do the survey on emeline's blog

1)If you have the chance to go out with a person u lyk or ur favourite celeb 4 the whole day, what will you do?
2) How do you feel now?
-very happy
3) If you can fulfil one wish, what would it be?
-become a doctor??
4) Who are you thankful to?
-a lot
5) Important wishes for now?
-better grades and muz finish homework
6) If you can turn something into the past back, what would it be?
-dun get knocked don by motorcycle
7) What are your main priorities now?
-get good grades
8) What makes you feel happy?
-fun and playing
9)What do you wanna change in you?
-me?? dunno? someone suggest lorh
10) What song can represent your feelings now?
-lame larh how i noe??
11) What kind of person do you hate most?
12) Are there any thing you wish to confess now?
13) What is the definition of your dream house?
-oh dream house eh?? definately muz have my own PC in my room(hehe like that when my parents sleep tt time can play)
14)Who will you go to if you are feeling low one day?
-no one i have to solve my own problems myself
15) What you hope to acheieve?
-a gold in maths olympiad so i can get out of NAS to RI(retarded institution)
16) What age do you wish to get married?
-way too far to think now
17)What do you regret the most in your life?
-regret wad?? nothing to regret about u regret things bcos of your wrong actions and words
18) Who made you angry for the past few days?
19) Would you prefer to hang out with your boyfriend/girlfriend or friends?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

post post post(long story)

YES!! finally got a blogskin that i like.....

anyways i post about my chalet(p6 wan)

1st day:
go cynthia's house do history project...dunno y they so boliao walk here walk there......then have to waste money go tampines library cynthia's house i like kana owned by 4 girls....then they whack here whack there....the suay thing is that i starting was the innocent one...

kia ling: da sao(crap i cant believe that she is my da sao)

then after we do HALFWAY.....i go to the chalet.....i dunno the way then lucky val going to the fitness corner so i follow since the bus stop was juz in front of it...reach downtown east le then i forget the room number...Pathetic right?? then i have to waste money call with public phone since my HP no prepaid value...then Andy and Dominic came out then i go inside the chalet...the even more pathetic thing is that when i reach the room tt time there was barely enough space for me to sit....
sad then i have to squeeze like hell lyk tt

watch TV there largi funny....gerome and dion is so tall and they sit in front of the television so then the girls at the back were complaining about this matter

after watch tv around 6pm go eat then blah blah blah....finish liao never mind i quickly chiong back to the room.......wait until other ppl come then take pillow throw at them....the good thing is that the pillow hit jasmine...the sad thing is she is a mad bitch and she immediately started whacking the ppl in the room
after this we go play water bomb......purposely stand in front block other ppl then some of my frens hide behind me....then suay suay my dick got hit...pain seh somemore they throw so hard....then there was another round then i still stand in front but this time i cover my dick with one hand the other put on my shoulder so i look freaking retarded(but i am retarded)then the girls was like laughing at me...

after that we kana caught by security guard...ppl complain wan some more.... but lucky nvr get into much trouble...after that we go E!hub arcade play....met Hai Xing at the arcade oso...staying overnite by the way...we play until like 9.45pm like that then go back....three ppl stay overnite only then the three of us play dai dee until 2-3am like that i think then we go sleep(loser muz truth or dare)....i sleep on the matress and i cant go to sleep bcos when i was about to then my head keep hitting the cupboard beside methe first time i said:"Ow..crap!"then dion and andy were giggling in the end sleep only about 30mins only....wake up 7.30 but i long ago awake liao....we decided to go wild wild wet today so from 8++ to 9++ we sing song and listen to song...

after sing song go eat then blah blah...

after tt go wild wild wet play......then we play at the tsunami pool....there will have damn strong wave then take one life jacket go until 1.8m zone wait for the waves to come....muz stay there until the waves there all gone cannot go past the 1.8m mark..if not muz answer this question: u intend to zhui qiu which girl...then we were so ping ming to stay there but all lose so in the end everyone say but i dun have so i nvr say...then play until shuang shuang then go back lorh.....


Friday, June 6, 2008

dunno wad to do so do the quiz on kenny's blog

1.Do you like your present school?
not really cos got a lot of enemies

2.Who is the person you trust most?

2.Who is the person you trust most?
good frens then no but normal then yes

4.Are you afraid of death?

5.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain?
a bit??

6.Do you believe in eternity love?

7.Have you ever broken someone's heart that he wants to commit suicide?

8.What do you enjoy doing the most?
not so sure

9.What's your most spoken language?
singlish...jkjk english larh

10.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
not every single lah

11.Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
Dunno dun care

12.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

13.Who do you hope to be always there for you?
my companions

14.Do you find life meaningless?
definately no

15.What will your perfect future be like?
free from troubles and stress-free

16.Who do you want the most now?

17.What is your goals this year?
stay in sparks class

18.Would you Give Your blessings to your friend if he were to marry the person you like?
sure anyways can find new wan lorh

remove one question from the quiz and replace it with your own.tag eight people and notify them in their tagboards.those ppl who do the quiz will be blessed.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

hiyah so sian 2day.....mother dun allow me go the chalet....sianz and somemore 2day very easy get angry...nvm i juz post about my trip to genting

ok first day take bus....bus double-decked but no personal entertainment so nvr do anything on the bus.......this time better than the last time i went bcos i go with my cousins. first day nvr do anything so i skip..but my cousin go play at the theme park.....

second day....go theme park cousin oso got go(again) first my mother dun allow me go play roller coasters but in the end i got bcos my mother nvr go and i secretly play...but i know my limits i cant play those that are too wild(that is in my mothers opinion)but they are not in my opinion....then some roller coasters very tolong some not so....but the indoor roller coaster not fun seh....sian lorh then we scream for fun only but i dun feel lyk screeming but i juz scream with them lorh....we play at the theme park until 10pm. oh yeah there was this roller coaster ride right very funny wan....everytime want to take the time then rain 2 times in a row....sian larh but at night at last we played that ride but not fun lorh even though i sit in front....then got another wan more funny....the ride right havent even start then a lot of people start screaming...crazy!! the last ride we took was the pirate ship....sit all the way at the back...until the whole ship swing about 90 degrees like then we can see the roller at the bottom....anyways this trip i went with 4 cousins larh one of my cousin always sit with me wan when we play roller coaster the two of us die die oso muz sit in front...funny lorh.....the first ride is we go watch a 4d movie...then got one part got flying knives flying in our direction then i was swinging my hands trying to knock off the knives...then another cousin of mine ducked.......the next part was the giant scorpion the claw was at my neck then i was lyk imagining that i had a sword or something like that then i was stabbing and slashing the scorpion....lols!!!come back the time the bus got personal entertainment so i play the whole day

overall the whole trip was fun for sure....2 days after i reach home my cousin come to my house to stay for 4 days or so i think...same thing the whole day we play uno spin,monopoly and audition...lols

monday quan hao,Jun long and esmond come my house do CME project...the process cannot say later people copy....but actually we play more than we do work.....after finish liao then play monopoly star wars edition(mine of course) then there was this place called "Naboo" ......then it sounded lyk a vulgar word mah so i think esmond bought that place then Quan Hao keep landing on that place then will say "Naboo how much??"!!! then another place was called "kamino" then they all say until "kanina" ....lolz then 5 plus they go home then blah blah audi the whole day for 3 days lyk that...

2day my cousin go home.....sianz i think until school reopen oso nothing to post lorh eh wait maybe have arh never mind.......Oh yeah i was playing this GBA game called fire emblem and it was fun!!! completed the game in three days

here is some pictures of the game i am playing(GBA)

Sacred Stones

click to commentCool eh??


Fire Emblemone of my favourite character in the game but too bad he is evil

The Six of Fire, Ephraim and Eirikathe lords in the game

I think the pictures too big or something so cannot fit in the whole thing but nvm larh wan to view the whole thing juz click on the picture

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

for fun

You Are The Magician

You are powerful and wise - beyond what anyone can see.

Deeply complex, you have the resources to connect to the spiritual and material world.

You posses the knowledge to manipulate your life and the lives around you.

You also have a great healing power, should you choose to use it.

Your fortune:

You have unhidden powers that you have yet to tap into.

Soon, you will better understand how to use your intellect and intuition.

Believe it or now, you will discover how you can manipulate yourself and others for good.

You are at the beginning of a path of spiritual enlightenment.

What Tarot Card Are You?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kanasai!!!sian aiyah juz do larh

A)Ppl hu hav been tagged must write their ans on their blog n replace any question which they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B)Tag 8 ppl 2 do this quiz n those hu r tagged cannot refuse.Thses ppl mus state hu they were tagged by n cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it 2 2 other ppl.

#1 if ur lover betrayed u,wat would ur reaction b?
-i dun really care anyway

#2 if u hav a dream 2 come true,wat would it b?
-be happy

#3 whose butt do u lyk 2 kick?
-anyone that would stand in my way

#4 wat would u do wif a billion dollars?
-give 50% to charity and 25% to the poor in africa 15% to sichuan earthquake and 10% i keep

#5 wat's ur ideal lover lyk?
-dunno dun care

#6 which is more blessed?Loving sum1 or being loved by sum1?
-dunno dun care

#7 how long do u intend 2 wait 4 sum1 u really luv?
-how i noe?? i not tha kong sian think about these kind of stuff

#8 if the person u secretly luv is alr attached,wat would u do?
-dun care lorh

#9 is dere anything which has made u extremely happy?

#10 name 1 thing tat consistently floats in n out of ur mind.
-excitement and fun

#11 Why do you bother to do this survey?
-nothing to do

#12 how do u c urself in 200000 yrs time?
-mati liao

#13 wat was on ur mind 1 hr ago?
-audition(the game larh)

#14 wat kind of person do u think the person hu tagged u is?
-(JL)transexual!!! JKJK

#15 would u rather b single n rich,or married but poor?
-single and rich

#16 wat's the 1st thing u do every morning?
-breathe,open eyes,sit then stand then walk to toilet brush teeth ,eat breakfast then play lorh

#17 would u give ur all in a relationship?
-see first lorh if the other person very chio then maybe??

#18 if u fall in love wif 2 ppl simultaneously,hu would u pick?
-the person with better character lorh

#19 wat type of ppl do u hate?
-a lot ppl that are more childish than me,losers,crybabies,sissys,gays,flirt type ppl,lesbian,ppl that are very porno,ppl everytime nothing better to do wan to pick fight with me wan,ppl that always bullshit,ppl for small things then tok so much about it,ppl with so many comments about things etc.

#20 where did u go 2day?
nvr go out so only at home

Those ppl tagged are :
Esmond,ZX,Sister,priscilla,cynthia,hykael,camilia,dini and jacky

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yay finally put everything back to normal liao and added links too l8ter or tomorrow then i post about my trip

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*