Friday, June 13, 2008

dunnno wad to post oso so do the survey on emeline's blog

1)If you have the chance to go out with a person u lyk or ur favourite celeb 4 the whole day, what will you do?
2) How do you feel now?
-very happy
3) If you can fulfil one wish, what would it be?
-become a doctor??
4) Who are you thankful to?
-a lot
5) Important wishes for now?
-better grades and muz finish homework
6) If you can turn something into the past back, what would it be?
-dun get knocked don by motorcycle
7) What are your main priorities now?
-get good grades
8) What makes you feel happy?
-fun and playing
9)What do you wanna change in you?
-me?? dunno? someone suggest lorh
10) What song can represent your feelings now?
-lame larh how i noe??
11) What kind of person do you hate most?
12) Are there any thing you wish to confess now?
13) What is the definition of your dream house?
-oh dream house eh?? definately muz have my own PC in my room(hehe like that when my parents sleep tt time can play)
14)Who will you go to if you are feeling low one day?
-no one i have to solve my own problems myself
15) What you hope to acheieve?
-a gold in maths olympiad so i can get out of NAS to RI(retarded institution)
16) What age do you wish to get married?
-way too far to think now
17)What do you regret the most in your life?
-regret wad?? nothing to regret about u regret things bcos of your wrong actions and words
18) Who made you angry for the past few days?
19) Would you prefer to hang out with your boyfriend/girlfriend or friends?

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*