Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Kanasai!!!sian aiyah juz do larh

A)Ppl hu hav been tagged must write their ans on their blog n replace any question which they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B)Tag 8 ppl 2 do this quiz n those hu r tagged cannot refuse.Thses ppl mus state hu they were tagged by n cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it 2 2 other ppl.

#1 if ur lover betrayed u,wat would ur reaction b?
-i dun really care anyway

#2 if u hav a dream 2 come true,wat would it b?
-be happy

#3 whose butt do u lyk 2 kick?
-anyone that would stand in my way

#4 wat would u do wif a billion dollars?
-give 50% to charity and 25% to the poor in africa 15% to sichuan earthquake and 10% i keep

#5 wat's ur ideal lover lyk?
-dunno dun care

#6 which is more blessed?Loving sum1 or being loved by sum1?
-dunno dun care

#7 how long do u intend 2 wait 4 sum1 u really luv?
-how i noe?? i not tha kong sian think about these kind of stuff

#8 if the person u secretly luv is alr attached,wat would u do?
-dun care lorh

#9 is dere anything which has made u extremely happy?

#10 name 1 thing tat consistently floats in n out of ur mind.
-excitement and fun

#11 Why do you bother to do this survey?
-nothing to do

#12 how do u c urself in 200000 yrs time?
-mati liao

#13 wat was on ur mind 1 hr ago?
-audition(the game larh)

#14 wat kind of person do u think the person hu tagged u is?
-(JL)transexual!!! JKJK

#15 would u rather b single n rich,or married but poor?
-single and rich

#16 wat's the 1st thing u do every morning?
-breathe,open eyes,sit then stand then walk to toilet brush teeth ,eat breakfast then play lorh

#17 would u give ur all in a relationship?
-see first lorh if the other person very chio then maybe??

#18 if u fall in love wif 2 ppl simultaneously,hu would u pick?
-the person with better character lorh

#19 wat type of ppl do u hate?
-a lot larh.......got ppl that are more childish than me,losers,crybabies,sissys,gays,flirt type ppl,lesbian,ppl that are very porno,ppl everytime nothing better to do wan to pick fight with me wan,ppl that always bullshit,ppl for small things then tok so much about it,ppl with so many comments about things etc.

#20 where did u go 2day?
nvr go out so only at home

Those ppl tagged are :
Esmond,ZX,Sister,priscilla,cynthia,hykael,camilia,dini and jacky

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*