Sunday, August 31, 2008

World of SeordCast

World of SeordCast

nothing to do i post..

priday teachers day celebration...i didnt do anything there except for kicking hug brandon(the NCC one)...oh yeah he hug me first one....and putting the fake flower into mr liu's uniform....then the line dance nvr do anything..then oso nvr see

after school io went back to east spring pri sch...but b4 tt i went to joven's house.....diao he still the same....whole day play com..but then nvr mind.....crazy xinhao keep calling us call us faster come...faster come...wah lao then we reach there earlier but security guard dun let us in....then i got fed up i and yujun are the only smart ones....went in by back gate....cos they nvr guard backgate....but b4 i went through backgate dion went first then call me....then i tell the rest to go backgate but they idiot dun wan...then we stand there waste time..then finally security guard let us in.....we all ate at the school canteen then we go to the hall.....go there did nothing but push

after that i and yujun hacked into the staff room....diao quite fun lah....yujun know the code but the sercurity need finger print then we wan to go back tt time see one teacher come out then we wait for the teacher go first then we ran into the staffroom....we went to find yujun's mother first or else later other teacher see then we die.....then she say Ms Ng at 5D classroom...then we ran up the stairs till 4th floor then we walk one big rount then find the damned classroom.....

we juz waved to ms ng then went back to then hall...then when we reach there tt time saw eleanor on the 3rd floor...then we play catching a while then we bring the rest to the classroom....

talk finish liao then we went i went to do crazy stuff there larh...but i cant tell you what cos when the cleaner see then she gave me a look like she think tt i am siao but i got associates with me it wasnt so bad....

i left after a while to change cos wearing jeans hard to play soccer...go home change...then i went to a playground to find ronald,clifford,gerome,xinhao and russell.we told some jokes then after a while weishan called asking where the heck we were...then we juz told her and we also told her that after this we going to play soccer then she say she play oso...then we choose team...called the sissys vs Boys....

weishan(cos she girl+ she wan play)



although they got more ppl but we thrashed then 6-0..OWNED!!!!


OK now we talk about yesterday!! junlong,quanhao and brandon come my house do science project...but then when they come first thing we do not start on project...they all take my basketball,a normal toy ball and my badminton racket go and play....but only brandon so good straight away do project...then i suggested they play at a badminton court near my house....but i dunno why they say not near..its only around 3-4 blocks away only....Quan hao thrased junlong...i lose but not so badly..after that they ask if got minimart then i say have gave them directions so then they go....after that i went around the neighbourhood to find them then i cant find them...then i used ernest phone call them....then they say they already at my house...WTH!!!

so i went back home and we FINALLY started on the that...started to get sian except for brandon...then Junlong said he lost his virginity that day got his cock got hit by a ball....sad.....after a long time we started to modify the "ke ren lai" song..then i modify until sibei sick.....u wan me to tell u wad i modify the song to then juz tell me on the tagboard...i will post it out but junlong sure say dun wan...cos its about him...losing his virginity..

Thursday, August 28, 2008


i cant believe i failed my IMT today.....damn and its all bcos of IA.....zzz.....stupid larh i failed by that 0.8cm......


yes i feel like scolding FUCK!! today cos i failed it..i could have passed and i didnt...FUCK!!

kk....tell u all the whole thing larh....this IMT(individual marksmanship training) is like shooting the rifle and see your accuracy or sth like tt larh...then is machine simulated so you shoot can see where your bullet hit....and have this target called the canadian bull......damn small...+ i muz shoot diagonally so its like u will a bit not zhun lorh......this time not test accuracy but test your consistency....then FUCKING!! suay larh.....all my shots got hit the canadian bull but at different points bcos of IA( imediate action-for cannot shoot the rifle one).cos IA...u will lose your i lost lorh...then got one lucky no IA then my score quite good larh....missed by 0.3cm to marksman...FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!FUCK!!

so my failure can say is all bcos of IA.....diao....i am being lame feeding all of u these info....whatever larh bye bye....but then one last time...........................................................................................


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

today NCC damn funny....a lot of ppl going into truth or dare these few now a part B cadet was forced to kneel down and ask a girl out....his photo was taken....i hope the seniors will release truth or dare halfway then simin come take saza's file then whack my head....then another dare have to do pull then while doing the same thing happened...but lucky this time on the the same thing happened but today one worse whack liao then my head very dizzy....and when i went to MAC with JL and ZX i found out that simin's seordcast account was also Axcer...wah nice.....can get my revenge if her power is in range for me to

Si Min... i noe u wan to get back on me for pulling your hair the other day but come'on was a dare and what in the world can i do about it?? u might say dun play truth or dare but i juz like excitement so cannot help can you please stop whacking my head....b4 i really get pissed off

K done nothing else...bye bye

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic games is like getting better and better day by day....i think tomorrow lee chong wei and lin dan facing off in badminton.....i hope chong wei can i dunno y i juz like supporting the noober one....but then it will definately be exciting no matter hu win hu lose...

then table tennis....i dun think singapore can win cos we muz be more pratical matter what angle i think like end up to thinking that singapore cant win that match...i dun feel like watching anyways....cos table tennis is boring..

then wad else arh?? i dun think have i juz post about the happenings this week or sth...wednesday.....emeline went psycho again....she got lost and dunno how to go back...then i juz help her....cos shun bian mah cos i going home after walking with ZX,JL and QH to TPJC....then she call me ask me how to go back then i juz bring her back tt not enough call me go T mart with her....then go there ask me go to the food court then i ask her for wad then she give some lame excuse larh so juz ran away...then freaking shocking thing is that she chase after until like mad like bcos i carrying my bag n run then she not then gang hao simin there so i call her help me take care of my bag....then chase chase chase...then she give up liao then left.....then i ask simin for the bag then she say EL give my bag to emeline's freaking frens...obviously i pissed off larh then i took the bag then wait for emeline they all leave then i leave...

then not in food court liao then simin say i can go liao then i go...mei xiang dao emeline at mac there then saw me then start chasing me again...lmao then go this stupid playground with her for wad i oso dunno then i kack her then start chaing me again...wth...then run all the way to 387 there then she stop chasing liao..

great but then when i going up the lift tt time simin and eleanor came and foiled my escape from a mad bitch....then they dun let me go up larh so then simin go call emeline come all they way to my block there then the whole cycle starts again but this time got 3 ppl chasing after me....then sway sway tio hit by simin's umbrella but not pain at all larh...simin no strength wan sia...hit directly on my face but then i dun feel anything at all...

then i went into the lift then emeline simin and EL came into the lift....zzz go until my house door step there....lmao..then after tt i went to play badminton...i realise tt these few days i keep playing badminton for dunno wad reason.....maybe cos my frens went mad about it then call me go play with them?? but regardless i juz keep playing and i keep feeling more tired than usual cos i play badminton can play until 4-5 hours straight like today...

then i think this week nothing else except that today i play until my leg and hand like jelly like tt lorh...and emeline calling me asking me to go tampines mall with her and regine....but i surely wun go cos go tampines mall with 2 girls?? i sure get bored to death wan.....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

this one damn funny....juz watch...

Monday, August 11, 2008

zzz....fucking hell....stupid larh...juz now play badminton with my frens and sth stupid happened..

played badminton with my frens...but b4 that i go buy slurpee and play soccer....then while playing soccer then tio rammed nvm sia....somemore the slurpee spill some on the floor some spill on me......then yujun and dominic was like laughing like mad larh....wah lao eh....then like tt $1.40 wasted..

after that play badminton play play play.....clifford loser wan larh....make me laugh then cannot concentrate in the game but luckily nvr got thrashed...the score not so bad larh.....crazy clifford..

then he play say he will win us easily but then yujun beat him 8-15...wah lao he like damn loser larh....then he lose until lao kui kor lorh...then he give excuse say bcos of the wind then he lose....then got his bunch of primary 5 kids bah...came by wan play then we play with them....they actually not bad lorh...starting i play give chance then after a while then he leading 10-7 then i was like then i play seriously the end i win 15-12....he not bad larh...but i play badminton quite suck..

then b4 playing soccer AGAIN....go buy one $1.60 big gulp....then i put the big gulp at the side near the other teams goalpost....then i like so damn suay larh....i ram hor...then the thing go curl instead of going into the goalpost go hit my own big gulp larh...i was like wah lao eh....then i go see my big gulp then the whole thing koyak...funny sia...then Xin Hao,Yu Jun,Dominic and Clifford was laughing like siao...zzz second time sia......

anyways 2morrow exam...good luck to all...zzz i still slacking sia...nvr fact i didnt even look at the cover page of my textbook.

Friday, August 8, 2008 emeline damn stupid sia.....nvm i start posting about today.

today morning.....assembly.....dunno wad domino thing then kana pushed then start playing the chain game....then i got a bit pissed off lah....cos they at first oush me so many time then i havent retaliate...then i started punching saza...saza noob sia....she look like she wan cry like tt...

then sing song...then the fiesta..
emeline this part still okay the later part of the day is seriously crazy + ridiculous...emeline keep wanting me hairspray me....then i juz say...." u can pull me there then say...." then she try pulling but i didnt even budge...lols...

then bought water bombs.....go bomb saza,simin and eleanor....zzz saza and eleanor got hit but then simin go run into the tentage there so i nvr throw her in the the last one i wasted on bombing eleanor..

then the stupid performance...then our class special one....ppl sit one row our class sit 2 rows..then like damn stupid larh...i like kana bullied like tt me move in front but nvr make space 4 then made space but the part where i squeezed through i think quite amusing larh...

the finale jing wei kana smacked by gerald,syafiq me and some guy from 1R6....after that come out jing wei say his back numb liao...zzzz

then met YuJun at mac,after that at 3.30 go play soccer..then we play play play then halfway through benson say "hi shaohong" then i got a bit distracted until my "foes" score a goal..then cos benson gang hao playing soccer with his frens oso so then we play with them lorh. then we won them 3-0...the more stupid thing is i scored all 3 goals...lols..they got owned by me...zzz they all like nvr run tt fast larh...cos i attack them like quite fast...then they cant get back to the goalpost in time to save the ball..

after that halfway emeline call me ask me whether wan go watch movie now...idiot sia....ppl playing halfway through then call me ask me watch movie..then again i got pissed of bcos of her calling me consecutively..somemore benson and frens say she my GF...wah lao i not tt no taste lorh..then i off my phone...after that play finish then on my phone she start calling me again..wah lao...then she ask me where am i now then i say my location without thinking wad she gonna do...then the ultra ridiculous thing is that she go there find me sia...then she was like chasing me from BLK 337 till tampines mart...the even more suay thing is gam gam ho eleanor walk past then emeline call her help her catch me..idiot...then i quickly run larh....i run all the way to YuJun there zzz.....mad people....

Yu Jun treated me to a drink....then we went back then go back there then see Eleanor and frens playing volleyball there....wah lao we wan play penalty shots there wan lorh..then they go take up the space..but then we juz heck care them lorh juz play....i saved all the balls yujun shot except one...then i shoot none not zhun not he save...he not goalkeeper de liao

i think thats all....good nite anyways emeline damn stupid sia.....nvm i start posting about today.

today morning.....assembly.....dunno wad domino thing then kana pushed then start playing the chain game....then i got a bit pissed off lah....cos they at first oush me so many time then i havent retaliate...then i started punching saza...saza noob sia....she look like she wan cry like tt...

then sing song...then the fiesta..
emeline this part still okay the later part of the day is seriously crazy + ridiculous...emeline keep wanting me hairspray me....then i juz say...." u can pull me there then say...." then she try pulling but i didnt even budge...lols...

then bought water bombs.....go bomb saza,simin and eleanor....zzz saza and eleanor got hit but then simin go run into the tentage there so i nvr throw her in the the last one i wasted on bombing eleanor..

then the stupid performance...then our class special one....ppl sit one row our class sit 2 rows..then like damn stupid larh...i like kana bullied like tt me move in front but nvr make space 4 then made space but the part where i squeezed through i think quite amusing larh...

the finale jing wei kana smacked by gerald,syafiq me and some guy from 1R6....after that come out jing wei say his back numb liao...zzzz

then met YuJun at mac,after that at 3.30 go play soccer..then we play play play then halfway through benson say "hi shaohong" then i got a bit distracted until my "foes" score a goal..then cos benson gang hao playing soccer with his frens oso so then we play with them lorh. then we won them 3-0...the more stupid thing is i scored all 3 goals...lols..they got owned by me...zzz they all like nvr run tt fast larh...cos i attack them like quite fast...then they cant get back to the goalpost in time to save the ball..

after that halfway emeline call me ask me whether wan go watch movie now...idiot sia....ppl playing halfway through then call me ask me watch movie..then again i got pissed of bcos of her calling me consecutively..somemore benson and frens say she my GF...wah lao i not tt no taste lorh..then i off my phone...after that play finish then on my phone she start calling me again..wah lao...then she ask me where am i now then i say my location without thinking wad she gonna do...then the ultra ridiculous thing is that she go there find me sia...then she was like chasing me from BLK 337 till tampines mart...the even more suay thing is gam gam ho eleanor walk past then emeline call her help her catch me..idiot...then i quickly run larh....i run all the way to YuJun there zzz.....mad people....

Yu Jun treated me to a drink....then we went back then go back there then see Eleanor and frens playing volleyball there....wah lao we wan play penalty shots there wan lorh..then they go take up the space..but then we juz heck care them lorh juz play....i saved all the balls yujun shot except one...then i shoot none not zhun not he save...he not goalkeeper de liao

i think thats all....good nite anyways

Sunday, August 3, 2008


sianz......only 1 thing to be happy about....tomorrow my birthday.....zzzz

nothing better to be talking about

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*