Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic games is like getting better and better day by day....i think tomorrow lee chong wei and lin dan facing off in badminton.....i hope chong wei can i dunno y i juz like supporting the noober one....but then it will definately be exciting no matter hu win hu lose...

then table tennis....i dun think singapore can win cos we muz be more pratical matter what angle i think like end up to thinking that singapore cant win that match...i dun feel like watching anyways....cos table tennis is boring..

then wad else arh?? i dun think have i juz post about the happenings this week or sth...wednesday.....emeline went psycho again....she got lost and dunno how to go back...then i juz help her....cos shun bian mah cos i going home after walking with ZX,JL and QH to TPJC....then she call me ask me how to go back then i juz bring her back tt not enough call me go T mart with her....then go there ask me go to the food court then i ask her for wad then she give some lame excuse larh so juz ran away...then freaking shocking thing is that she chase after until like mad like bcos i carrying my bag n run then she not then gang hao simin there so i call her help me take care of my bag....then chase chase chase...then she give up liao then left.....then i ask simin for the bag then she say EL give my bag to emeline's freaking frens...obviously i pissed off larh then i took the bag then wait for emeline they all leave then i leave...

then not in food court liao then simin say i can go liao then i go...mei xiang dao emeline at mac there then saw me then start chasing me again...lmao then go this stupid playground with her for wad i oso dunno then i kack her then start chaing me again...wth...then run all the way to 387 there then she stop chasing liao..

great but then when i going up the lift tt time simin and eleanor came and foiled my escape from a mad bitch....then they dun let me go up larh so then simin go call emeline come all they way to my block there then the whole cycle starts again but this time got 3 ppl chasing after me....then sway sway tio hit by simin's umbrella but not pain at all larh...simin no strength wan sia...hit directly on my face but then i dun feel anything at all...

then i went into the lift then emeline simin and EL came into the lift....zzz go until my house door step there....lmao..then after tt i went to play badminton...i realise tt these few days i keep playing badminton for dunno wad reason.....maybe cos my frens went mad about it then call me go play with them?? but regardless i juz keep playing and i keep feeling more tired than usual cos i play badminton can play until 4-5 hours straight like today...

then i think this week nothing else except that today i play until my leg and hand like jelly like tt lorh...and emeline calling me asking me to go tampines mall with her and regine....but i surely wun go cos go tampines mall with 2 girls?? i sure get bored to death wan.....

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

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