Tuesday, November 11, 2008

wah today go ESPS do CIP damn funny...

kk start from the start..

first went to ESPS halfway through then say ESPS vice-principal with carrissa..then i juz greet then the VP ask me are you helping out today? then i said yah....then largi jia lat then she ask me whether wan to eat breakfast with carrissa and her or not?? then i was like huh??!! then i juz say okay..then go the MAC then i thought i had to pay for my own meal but then u know what the VP say?? she say she blanja..OMG!! so good lah!!

then tok about something while eating.....then went back to ESPS.....like what the hell??!!

briefly speaking about the things i have to do for the CIP...its a donation drive first of all...next what the volunteers have to do is either wait at the counter and collect the donated books/toys , sort the books out according to level or usability or wrap up the donated toys nicely....

then i got encounter one social studies book damn sick!!!! got one of the page got these 4 ppl...3 man and one woman....then they have a speech bubble saying sth about social studies but then this guy damn extra make one extra speech bubble over all the character.....then first man say " hello i am the shit maker"...then the next man say "So what??!! i am the urine maker" then the woman say "So wat?? i am the nanapok milk maker...if you want milk then take from my nanapok" the last man say "so what i am the kuku bird and urine maker. If you want kuku bird i can chop off my one and give to you" what the hell????!!!!!

then play table soccer after finishing the sorting out..then blah blah blah...
finish the whole thing liao went around ESPS...made some sand things...very guai lan...then go back to the stupid room again..then got this P?? boy damn irritating and extra...we playing halfway make so much noise then keep disturbing ppl then nicholas got damn du lan go push him away then he cry then the mother ask what happen then he juz say he keep disturbing us then he got more scolding...hahaha!!

nvm this person make me even more du lan by coming back to interrupt and say i wan to play then we at first say no but then he keep on buggin us then we juz let him play lorh...he play damn violent..he so violent until he pull out the handle of the bar..lol!!

then we call him extra boy( named after astro boy)..we all talking about extra boy say what everything he also have extra..then i go say he got extra dick....say finish liao went out of school to eat MAC again!! on the way there we talk about Mr Teo(ESPS principal) being 2nd handed...started when i say his mercedes is second hand one...and the mercedes 2nd hand one is real okay??!!XD then nicholas said" aiyah he everything oso second hand one lah" then we all say wad is underwear second hand...wife second hand....shirt second hand then nicholas say his cock second hand...sick sia!!

then near mac got this shop got the ping pong game outside then i go and play..2 time..and 2 times win prize..lol!! theophilia keep on trying the other day but she cannot win....nicholas oso got win...we both won the same thing..a model aeroplane then we at mac go compete see who can make construct faster..and i won!! lol.....then we go play at the mac...got this rubber band for u to catapult the plane..then we go shoot at people then randomly fire then the plane hit the ceiling...lol!!

then ran back to ESPS and we faster although we took the more time consuming route.....then continued cos the parent volunteers called us to?? then finish roamed around the school then finally went home..

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