Sunday, October 19, 2008

today play maple damn guai lan

i go the free market there then got this idiot character name wad ChewyTicTac....come ask me what is that thing on my character's head....damn idiot its obviously bcos of the armor i wear right??!!!

next time i get one screenshot of the game then u know what i am talking about
nothing to post about oso except me playing for 8 hours with ernest as his "priceless" b'day gift....he said so..not me

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tagged my adrian

Do you like your first name?

How long have you liked the person you currently like?
i don't currently like anyone

Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
Obviously not??!!

Did you cry today?
same answer as the previous

What are you doing this morning at 8am?
listening to teacher talking crap

What are you doing an hour ago?
eating.....talking on the phone with saza

What are you currently doing?
talking......typing out my answers for the quiz

Who last texted you a msg?

Have you told anyone that you love them today?
no way.....

Do you miss anyone now?

Any plans for tomorrow?
celebrate ernest's!!

What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
A long time ago...which i dunno when

Is there anyone you want to be with now?

Have you kissed anyone who's name starts with C?

Name someone who make you smiles today?
a lot....R6 ppl

Name a friend who's name starts with 'Z'
Zai Xiang

Which of your friend stays closest to you?

Do you prefer to call or to text?
anything oso can see what kind of situation loh

Was yesterday better than today?
a bit

Can you live a day without TV and your phone?

Are you mad about anything now?

Do you ever think that relationships really worth it?
not really

Last person you visited in a hospital?
i am the patient

When is your last and second last hug?
this was a gay hug

How do you feel about your life now?
bo lah seriously prefer primary school

Do you hate anyone?
have but for me to know and for u all to find out

Last person you called?

Who usually sent you the most texts in a mth?
saza?? emeline??

Is your room messy now?

Who will be mad if your room is messy?
no one cares

Your shortest relationship?

Who do you look like? Father or mother?
dunno never really see myself in the mirror b4

Tag 10 people to do this survey! Dont be afraid to sabotage them!!
Set!!(IF saza got blog i go sabo her)

then boliao

Monday, October 6, 2008


hm.....friday......oh yeah very boring seh....only after school then very fun.....i come home then my mother call me read sth...then i see the title: Hokkien test....then i go read....damn funny....i got time then i send an e-mail about was about cinderella then they say the hokkien until damn the story what guai lan then wad kee si(go die) funny crap...

then saturday i went LAN at safra boliao so go there play.....then play until happy liao then go and play darts...then i saw joven at safra oso...but is he saw me first but he diam diam...then i go see wad he doing then he was there playing bowling....he seriously suck!! he suck more than me in bowling...i go home then i take out my phone then i see saza go message me...then i see the time then the time was when i was then i call her back then she scold me say exam going to come le then still go LAN and

Sunday i play com until nearly 12 then my mother force me sleep....

today the science paper i lost 2 marks liao....wasting my marks all cos i write wring thing....arh...dun care larh...anyways even if i get B3 i will still get A1 overall anyways so hu cares??

DONE SAZA I WUN POST ANYMORE!! JKJK.....wait until i happy then i post

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*