Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Boliao things tt happen today

sian diao...nothing that fun today...chinese most fun...

english....hiyah bloody "indian" teacher talk like indian like that...say oral comunication muz say slowly but he say until like saying tamil like tt...

maths...nothing fun except for com lab....bloody hell i play SC in com lab tt time i coffer a lot of items into the nas1r7 guild then ZX take out a lot of my item....he owe me a lot of items liao...next time i make sure i restrict him from taking then he noe arh....

Chinese.....tok about tyhe "huo niu zhen" lolz then teacher suddenly ask chinese emperor call himself wad..then soon meng say lao zi.....lolz......then he ask wad is gua ren(tt one is emperor referring to themselves then use wan)then i juz answer according to the explaination i gave here....then got this sly guy called tian dan...then teacher ask how will we describe him...then a lot of sick things come out larh...a few of them is i say wan...lolz....

then break juz play virus.....

CCM...the most boliao lesson of the day....change teacher some more.....this new teacher not fun wan....i prefer the old teacher...(cos can bully her lolz)

ok the tagboard matters.....some damn test say i sharing personality, perfectionist and future leader right?? actually i dun really believe myself...but if i were really a perfectionist...then that would explain why my parents ask so much from me...why my relatives can tell that i was really that good....sharing personality: sometimes larh...depends lorh....then the future leader tt one is crap

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My Fave music

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