Friday, July 18, 2008

whatever happened these few days

ok.....let's tok about wednesday..
actually nothing fun but i injured three parts of my body that on my ass the next one is my wrist and the last one is my foot...all 3 in 1hour at the playground while playing blind mice...

nothing fun except the flash thingy....quite nice.....the teacher say the animation when we do at the end of the day cannot be violent or pervert wan but i go make violent animation...lols...

miss lim going away...then i kana tau pok today by adrian and kenny..zzz....lucky mr liu over there..or else i would have been roti prata..then finally go NCC...stupid larh juz start only then kana 200+ push ups liao...sian then lucky the sergeant quite take care of me lah....or else i would have died...then do the drills until damn shuang...although a bit kisiao...then wad full command junlong,hykael or ZX say wad they actually dunno..they juz follow other ppl...lols......we kana seperated from the rest of the part A mah bcos last week never come...then the sergeant teach us the full command...sad sia the ASM..teach 4 times...first is one person then the next 2.....then another 3 i think..then the whole lot come in so after he teach finish the first person then the next 2 come then he have to teach again..teach finish then the next 3 come so muz teach all over again....teach finish then the whole lot come in....sad sia the ASM..i pity him....

then do marching drill....lucky i on the better side....then got 5 minutes break if i at the other side then no break wan...then during the break when i go toilet tt time then i saw emeline....i think she trying to find zai xiang or wad....

then finally.....pervertic jokes.....quite funny...

1st joke:
got one princess,very chio...then got 3 princes..all very horny then one day the king, who is the princess's father have to go to war so then the princess was left with the 3 horny princes..but b4 tt the father put a trap like if the prince to have sex with the princess then will snap off the dick wan....

after the war, the king come back, 1st thing go check the 3 princes the dick..then the 1st prince check the dick kana snapped off...the balls still in tact....the second one is the whole dick come off...including his balls...then last one check the dick still in tact so the king said: you are not horny so i will let my daughter marry you. then the prince say:" thank you!" but when he open his mouth then see the 3rd prince no more tongue..get it?? kinda sick larh..

then one of the sergent go say wad how to use a condom...then he follow everything on the instruction manual..lols...then say wad penis,penis make me laugh like mad sick seh!!

then finally finish NCC..go home sleep until 9pm...from morning feel damn tired liao lorh...


Thursday, July 10, 2008 sian...everyday so much homework.....will die of it one day...

yesterday OC u all say i happy....maybe bah...i oso dunno myself but i wasnt enjoying the part where i was performing.....especially muz call si min ma'am part....make so damn pai embarrassing sia...what's even more embarrassing is that u all cheer like we like each other like tt....

then nothing fun liao

today...nothing fun oso......i failed my chinese chi yu che yan....cos i nvr study somemore muz find out everything yourself....then nothing fun liao....

@da sao...
u wan a xiao mei can is your problem....but not through me can liao.....and dun call someone like simin to be tt xiao mei...she wun tok wan so take her be xiao mei 4 wad sia...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

post for adrian

oi !!! it was juz narrating the joke......what's so special about that okay maybe the part when i call simin ma'am sounds weird but its nothing special.....its not like i held hands with her or hug her or kiss her wad.....its juz a joke that we narrated nothing special about that wad...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Boliao things tt happen today

sian diao...nothing that fun today...chinese most fun...

english....hiyah bloody "indian" teacher talk like indian like that...say oral comunication muz say slowly but he say until like saying tamil like tt...

maths...nothing fun except for com lab....bloody hell i play SC in com lab tt time i coffer a lot of items into the nas1r7 guild then ZX take out a lot of my item....he owe me a lot of items time i make sure i restrict him from taking then he noe arh....

Chinese.....tok about tyhe "huo niu zhen" lolz then teacher suddenly ask chinese emperor call himself wad..then soon meng say lao zi.....lolz......then he ask wad is gua ren(tt one is emperor referring to themselves then use wan)then i juz answer according to the explaination i gave here....then got this sly guy called tian dan...then teacher ask how will we describe him...then a lot of sick things come out larh...a few of them is i say wan...lolz....

then break juz play virus.....

CCM...the most boliao lesson of the day....change teacher some more.....this new teacher not fun wan....i prefer the old teacher...(cos can bully her lolz)

ok the tagboard matters.....some damn test say i sharing personality, perfectionist and future leader right?? actually i dun really believe myself...but if i were really a perfectionist...then that would explain why my parents ask so much from me...why my relatives can tell that i was really that good....sharing personality: sometimes larh...depends lorh....then the future leader tt one is crap

Monday, July 7, 2008

Golden Personality?
Your Result: Sharing Personality

You have a sharing personality. You are a generous and caring person. A good thing about you is your not afraid to speak your mind to set a friend straight. You don't mind doing someone a favor.

Likeable Personality
Friendly Personality
Golden Personality
Vibrant Personality
Pessimistic Personality
Bratty Personality
Rotten Personality

i dun really believe the caring part.....i choose who i want to be caring doesnt apply to everyone

Golden Personality?
Make a Quiz
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Science/Math Nerd

(Absolute Insane Laughter as you pour toxic chemicals into a foaming tub of death!)

Well, maybe you aren't this extreme, but you're in league with the crazy scientists/mathmeticians of today. Very few people have the talent of math and science is something takes a lot of brains as well. Thank whosever God you worship, or don't worship, so thank no deity whatsoever in your case, for you people! Most of us would have died off without your help.

Gamer/Computer Nerd
Drama Nerd
Social Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Literature Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace

ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?
Your Result: Blue Fox

You are the blue fox! A total perfectionist and a true born leader. You can never resist a challenge! Your Soul Mate is the Yellow Trout and you loathe the Indigo Beaver.

Red Jaguar
Silver and Red Wolf
Teal Cat
Gold Falcon
Ocre and Gray Dolphin
Yellow Trout
Tan Giraffe
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?

What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Ambitious

Your best quality is ambitious! People like you because you are a determined person. Once you set a goal for yourself you do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Take More Quizzes

lolz crap boliao until muz do these kind of stupid things

Friday, July 4, 2008

nothing to post but i will still post about taday

morning around 6.30 jing wei siao wan go sms me...say good morning!! crazy fella.....
7.30 then on computer then i first thing go do is log in to seordcast..then i see my bvarok de turns i was little?? it cant be wad bcos i 10pm then logout yesterday then i agar agar calculate how many turns i shud have.....then i also realised that i wasnt gaining any turns i wanted to report to the forum tt time then azure already report liao.....

sian diao do all the the maths n science assignment so fast..then do finish liao still muz wait 2 hour ++ then can do history...i wait until sian liao....supposed to finish at 1 but i finish 11.20am like that....

anyways i saw si min and eleanor at tampines mart juz now when i went down to buy bubble tea

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*