Sunday, May 4, 2008

Decided 2 do Xin Hui's bloody test

  1. Yu Jun
  2. Clifford
  3. Joshua
  4. Zai Xiang
  5. Quan Hao
  6. Jun Long
  7. Simin
  8. Kenny
  9. Kebab
  10. Kia Ling
  11. Joven
  12. Dominic
  13. Soon Meng
  14. Dion
  15. Min Hui
  16. Jia Rui
  17. Cynthia
  18. Xin Hui
  19. Val
  20. Pannajiva


When did u meet #4??

Obviously 2007

Would u date #7??


Have u eva been in a relation ship with #9??

NEVER!!!!! He is a bitch!!!

What will u do if u had never had met #1??

OMG!!!! if i had never met him right i suay lor.....

What will u do if #2 and #9 dated??

Give them bleesings to gay......

would #6 and #17 make a good couple??

The girl lyk the boy but the boyu lyk a girl by the name of YiXuan so i dun tink so

Do u think #8 is attractive??

CRAZY!!!!!!! NO larh!!!

What language does #15 speak

Chinese,English ,Malay??!!!

Who is #9 going out wif??

Obviously sarah

How old is #16??


When was the last time u toked 2 #13


What is #2 favourite band/singer??

How i noe???

Would u date #10??

OMG!!! kia ling??!!!! siao arh!!! never!!!!

End post here BB!!!

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

My Fave music

*add your lyrics here*