Tuesday, May 13, 2008

aiyah lyk shyt sia these few days.......

yesterday realised tt i got an A2 4 art....lucky sia bcos i suck @ art......Then get back history paper get 34/50 which is 68/100.....go home get scolding from my father
get back mother tongue papaer oso.....(half onli)
yesterday play dunno wad stupid game on Ms N's laptop...sth lyk O2jam but not as fun.....

2day har largi ''cam''.....first thing is et back 2/3 of the english paper......i go home tell my father....then my father scold me bloody hell......32/45 ok wadbut he still scold me lao eh...science oso get 77/100 oso kena scolding...maths even more unbelievable....get 84/100 4 maths my father still scold me.........WTF!!!! chinese understandable bcos onli get 62/100.......dis time i sure die wan

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